Wednesday, March 25, 2009


As a photographer I see many shades of green in nature and several can be observed in today's photos. I have no idea of what type of plants are shown in the first three images, but since they were all taken in Florida, somebody on my list from there may be able to identify them. The last two images were taken in the woods behind my house here in Holyrood.

Green symbolizes life, growth, nature and the environment. It is also a restful colour with calming effects. In northern climates, green is a sign of Spring and is a welcome break from white and the more drab colours of winter.

Here in Newfoundland and Labrador we should start seeing some green signs of Spring soon. Even though there is snow and ice now, we have had 3 weeks of good weather in March and some of our tulips and daffodils had grown about 2 inches out of the ground. As soon as the snow melts, I plan to photograph their growth process.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

Oh, it is sure nice to see some green!! Seems like we have had a lot of snow here this winter. I have some bulbs poking their way through though as well!! Have a good day Bruce :)


Sheds This morning, I started a new album in which I will share photographs of sheds and you can follow it here -